Hello friends, my friends, you are very welcome to our website PX Pexels. Friends, in today’s post we are going to share with you – Cute Dog Images, Cute Dog Photos, Cute Dog Pictures, Cute Dog Pics, Cute Dog Wallpaper.


1213+ Cute Dog Images, Photos, Pictures, Pics, Wallpaper


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Story Of The Faithful Dog


A dog was very loyal. I always went with the owner to get food. Even though the owner knew, his dog was very good. As long as he is there. Can protect me. It’s just a matter of one day. It was nighttime. The owner was asleep. But that dog was awake. That dog stayed downstairs at night. The owner used to sleep in the room upstairs.

Two people come out of the house. He came to know this. The owner lives alone here. That’s why both those thieves were coming to steal. But as soon as he spoke. The sound of a dog comes from inside. He thinks there is only one dog. If we steal on this. The sole owner lives here. Therefore, we are not going to face any problems here. Now this dog can trouble us. Therefore something has to be done.

Both of those thieves go inside the house through the roof. Because they knew. There is that dog inside.

Both of them had come inside. Now they had to go to that owner’s room.

When the dog hears the sound. He runs upstairs.

Both those thieves get scared. Because that dog had come. He starts barking at them.

The owner gets up. Those were two thieves.

But he could not do anything in front of that dog.

He did not get a chance. That dog had gone after them.

The owner was watching today. His faithful dog is protecting him.

After some time the thieves run away. After all that dog had chased them away.

The owner says that you are not there today.

Those thieves could have attacked me. But nothing like that happened. You are very loyal. I have understood. That you love me too. The next morning the owner tells everyone. Today my dog did a very good job. He had chased away the thieves. Who had come to steal at night? Those people say that after listening to you we feel. We should also keep a dog. Because it is very loyal. It protects the owner. From that day some people had kept dogs. There must be a loyal dog in our life. If you liked this story. Please do share.


The Story Of The Hunter And The Guard Dog


A person bought and bred two dogs of the same species. Both dogs were strong, agile, and dangerous. He gave separate training to both of them. He trained one dog for hunting and the other for guarding the house. Both of them became proficient in their respective work and then their work was handed over to both of them. One was appointed to the post of hunter and the other to guard the house.

Once when the hunting dog returned from hunting with his master, the master took out some of his prey and divided half of it between the two dogs. Seeing this the hunting dog felt bad. He went to the watchman dog and said angrily, what do you do all day? You sit here in the shade and do nothing. I somehow managed to hunt by working hard and running around in the sun all day. I bear all the trouble and you enjoy. The master still gives you half of my prey. You eat the fruits of my labor.

On this, the guard dog also said angrily, ‘How dare you accuse me? Go and ask this question to the owner. This is not my fault. I only do the work that has been given to me. You don’t need to be jealous of this.

Then once the hunter dog refused to hunt on the pretext of illness, so in his place, the owner took the guard dog along with him and went into the forest, but even after working hard for a day, the guard dog could not hunt anything because he had not done that work. Didn’t even learn. When both of them came home tired, they saw that the hunting dog was sleeping happily and the thieves had looted the goods from the house and they did not even notice it.

Education – This story teaches us that we should focus on our work and not on others. And every type of work should be remembered at all times because of what kind of work has to be done at what time in life.


Final Word

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